
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Very Gnomie Christmas

Gnorm is preparing for our trip cross country. We have been looking at airplane tickets to fly out there and have begun to realize that going out west is rather expensive. This trip is well worth it, though. Getting to go on a road trip is something most people do not get the chance to do. I must say I am both nervous and excited. I think Gnorm is as well. We want our road trip to be like the one in the video below.

We, however, did go to a Christmas Party. My friend Meagan got me a book for my belated birthday. I can't let Gnorm know about it.

I think it is adorable and I am very thankful that I received such an amazing gift! I also let Gnorm run around at the party with another gnome. I believe they had fun. Gnorm enjoyed the Christmas tree and the company. I believe I will be getting this book soon for him.

Here are some pictures from the Christmas Party that we went to the other night! It was a blast!

P.S. we also found another really great blog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gnorm's new friends

So Gnorm joined me at my birthday party. While there, he found a new friend.

Our trip out west is approaching fast. The longest part of the drive will be through Texas I can't believe it. I think since we are taking I-10 to I-20, Gnorm will get to see Mexico. We will be so close to the boarder! We have never been out of the country and would love to go! Too bad you need a passport (which neither of us has) to go to Mexico.

While Mexico is out of the question, I have started doing some research for things to see and do along the way. I found some places that we can eat, which people have suggested. We will be traveling through Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina on a 36 hour car ride.

We will be driving through so pretty amazing places before we get to North Carolina!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cross country gnomin'

I just found out that Gnorm and I maybe going on our greatest trip yet!!

One of my friends has asked my to fly out to Phoenix and visit her over Christmas break. We will then drive her new Ford Focus back to North Carolina on a 3 day road trip! Gnorm's constant badgering for a vacation may have paid off! I still have to discuss this with the parents but I feel like this may actually pan out! I cannot wait to be back near the red rock and dry heat! The best part is that it will still be warm enough to lay out and go swimming! AMAZING!

Here is a look at the map. We are taking this route to avoid getting stuck in the snow. We don't want that at all.

As for Thanksgiving... Gnorm spent most of his time by the fire. However, last night he got to celebrate my birthday with me at The Flying Saucer! I suggest going if there is one near you. See pictures below for Gnorm's good time.

Gnorm will get a chance to attend a my birthday party as well. I am hoping that he will behave himself. He gets a little crazy every now and then. I am planning on getting him a party hat and maybe a balloon...or 6! HAHAHA!!! Its going to be a good night for Gnorm. I will publish more pictures later.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gnome invasion

With thanksgiving break looming upon us, Gnorm has decided to take over my vacation and load our schedule with a trip to Charlotte for birthday's and historic sitings. While planning this trip he has managed to find himself a wonderfully amazing game. He is very proud of himself. He is also a bit angry with me right now because I have not planned anything fun for him. He has been keeping up with his gnome friends via Flickr and is getting a bit jealous.

I can't blame him though. I am jealous too. Currently my funds are low so I will not be able to travel with him to far off destinations. As soon as funds do permit, I will be taking him everywhere. From England to Australia, from Brazil to China because I want him to be just as cultured as these fellows below. The Travelocity gnome is at the Great Wall of China.

 I want Gnorm to aspire to these great adventures!

Friday, November 12, 2010


So I have been sick and it has really put a damper on Gnorm's and my travel. He has been a good sport though. While sick, I have been watching King of the Hill. It has been quite entertaining! I found an episode that Gnorm and I can agree on as the BEST episode ever!!!!

King of the Hill Season 9 Episode 4

As for the wedding, Gnorm was feeling under the weather because of all the sugar and activity from the night before. He was too ill to go so I left him at home. I came back only to find him happily reading comic book.

I have decided that since the holidays are coming up Gnorm needs presents. I have some ideas for him too! I have found this book on Gnomes! I think he will love it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gnome Home Decorating

Seeing as the Holiday season has rolled around, I feel its time to start redecorating Gnorm from gnome to pilgrim then elf. He is not going to like it but I feel that as his owner I get to choose his outfits and home decor. I have also been toying with the idea of letting him venture outside more on his own. This is why the Gnome Home Door will come in handy. The people at Gnome-Home have the idea! I feel that Gnorm would enjoy life more with an upgraded home rather than his old bird cage...

This is much like the cage that Gnorm lives in. His is prettier though. I'll upload photos in a bit of it. I must say that this cage is too small for two gnomes to live in. They like their own space from time to time. That's why I let Gnorm travel with me. 

Speaking of travel. I believe I will be sneaking Gnorm into a wedding on Saturday. The wedding is in Greensboro at UNCG's Alumni House.

 So Friday night he will be spending girls time with my friend Mandy and I. He will have a kitten to play with too! This is a big weekend for Gnorm. His first wedding!!! I will have pictures up as soon as possible! 

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Fair Gnome

Gnorm and I went on another adventure the other night. This time we ventured to the State Fair. It appears that Gnome's like fairs.

Gnorm and I have also found some MUST do things for our vacations. We have found a story topper... that blasted Travelocity Gnome. Nevertheless, Gnorm and I are happy. Our adventures are limited due to funds but we take what we can get.

Upcoming events for Gnorm and I include:
A Wedding (not actually our friend's wedding)
Maybe a mixer or two
Possibly Boone

While we have no definitive plans, things always seem to come up. I am not concerned with our traveling plans. Though, we would love to leave the state at some point soon. We would love to go to Washington DC or New York City. We can only dream though...